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Welcome to the 48th Annual ACM Southeast Conference (ACMSE 2010) at the University of Mississippi.
The technical program for ACMSE 2010 includes a wide variety of presentations from a diverse set of presenters. The final program is comprised of six types of presentations: papers, student papers, work in progress papers, posters, student posters and tutorials/workshops. A large number of qualified volunteer reviewers contributed to a comprehensive review process that evaluated all submitted papers and work in progress papers. Ultimately, 48 papers were accepted from the 94 submitted, while 30 work in progress papers were accepted from the 44 submitted. In addition, 20 posters and student posters will be presented.
This year there will be 4 three-hour workshops and 3 shorter tutorials presented.
A running time improvement for the two thresholds two divisors algorithm
Chunking algorithms play an important role in hash-based data de-duplication systems. The Basic Sliding Window (BSW) algorithm is the first prototype of a content-based chunking algorithm that can handle most types of data. The Two Thresholds Two ...
Mesh analysis via breadth-first traversal
This paper describes a novel tool for analysis of polygonal surface meshes, based on a modified breadth-first traversal of mesh vertices. The value of this technique lies in the fact that it relies only on mesh connectivity, making it invariant to model ...
Synthesizing the acoustic Doppler effect in software
We present the theory and implementation of the acoustic Doppler effect in which a sequence of digital audio samples recorded at a sound source is transformed into a sequence of samples to represent the sounds perceived by an observer. The computational ...