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Welcome to the 25th International Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2010). For the past 24 years, SAC has become a major international venue for computing researchers and applied practitioners to convene and share ideas on recent developments in a variety of applied areas of Information Technology. The success of SAC has been the consolidation of a wide range of applied areas into specialized modules called Tracks. Each of the Tracks are then organized and administered by experts in the respective areas by instituting program committees, carrying out blind reviews according to the ACM guidelines, and finally selecting the highly qualified papers for the Track. Since its inception six years ago, the Poster Sessions at SAC have become a tradition, and this year again the Poster will be an integral part of the Technical Program at SAC 2010.
The open Call for Track Proposals generated 47 proposals, and after prescreening the proposals, 43 Tracks were finally accepted for SAC 2010. The prescreening and selections were made based on the success of those Tracks in the previous SACs as well as targeting new and emerging areas. The Call for Papers for these Tracks attracted 1,414 abstract submissions and 1,353 final paper submissions from 70 different countries. The final submitted number of papers indicates a 96% submission rate. The submitted papers underwent the blind review process and 364 papers were finally accepted as full papers for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings and presentation during the Symposium. The final acceptance rate for SAC 2010 is 26.9% for the overall track. In addition to the accepted full papers, 88 papers that received high enough review scores were accepted as short papers for the Poster Program.
The Technical Program Organization of SAC 2010 is made possible through the hard work of many people from the scientific community who have volunteered and committed many hours to make it a success. Much credit goes to all the Track Chairs for making SAC 2010 Technical Sessions a huge success. Some of the popular Tracks had an unprecedented submissions and having three blind reviews for each paper was certainly a major challenge. Once again this year, we follow the previous years' tradition of organizing various tracks into six different themes. The Symposium Proceedings and the technical presentations are focused around these themes to form a series of related track sessions.
User-controlled generalization boundaries for p-sensitive k-anonymity
Numerous privacy models based on the k-anonymity property have been introduced in the last few years. While differing in their methods and quality of their results, they all focus first on masking the data, and then protecting the quality of the data as ...
Introducing global scaling parameters into Ncut
Gaussian similarity is usually used in spectral clustering. It generates the affinity matrix by mainly considering point-to-point distances in a local region with respect to the scaling parameters δ. As a result, global information is not considered. To ...
Mining temporal relationships among categories
Temporal text mining deals with discovering temporal patterns in text over a period of time. A Theme Evolution Graph (TEG) is used to visualize when new themes are created and how they evolve with respect to time. TEG, however, does not represent ...
A generative pattern model for mining binary datasets
In many application fields, huge binary datasets modeling real life-phenomena are daily produced. These datasets record observations of some events, and people are often interested in mining them in order to recognize recurrent patterns. However, the ...
Canonical random correlation analysis
Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) is one of the most well-known methods to extract features from multi-view data and has attracted much attention in recent years. However, classical CCA is unsupervised and does not take class label information into ...
Background knowledge in formal concept analysis: constraints via closure operators
The aim of this short paper is to present a general method of using background knowledge to impose constraints in conceptual clustering of object-attribute relational data. The proposed method uses the background knowledge to extract only particular ...
Link prediction using probabilistic group models of network structure
Modeling of complex networks is a crucial task such as in biology and social sciences. A large number of researches have been conducted for such a problem; however, most of them require explicit, specific prior knowledge on target networks. On the other ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing