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Extracting Knowledge from Association Relationships to Build Navigational Models
This paper analyzes how the semantics of association relationships in OO conceptual modeling can help to build Navigational Models for Web Applications. The work has been developed in the context of OOWS (a Model-Driven Development Method for building ...
Evolution of the Chilean Web Structure Composition
In this paper we present the evolution of the structure of the Chilean Web between 2000 and 2002. Our results show that although the Web grows as expected, also a significant part of it disappears. In addition, some components are much more stable than ...
Policy and State Based Secure Wrapper and Its Application to Mobile Agents
Execution process in modern Web applications is usually represented as a partially ordered sequence of basic actions issued by a client (login, buy, exit, ect.; the login action usually precedes purchasing). Based on these actions, a finite automaton of ...
Storing RDF as a Graph
RDF is the first W3C standard for enriching information resources of the Web with detailed meta data. The semantics of RDF data is defined using a RDF schema. The most expressive language for querying RDF is RQL, which enables querying of semantics. In ...
On the Evolution of Clusters of Near-Duplicate Web Pages
This paper expands on a 1997 study of the amount and distribution of near-duplicate pages on the World Wide Web. We downloaded a set of 150 million web pages on a weekly basisover the span of 11 weeks. We then determined which of these pages are near-...
Conceptual-Level Log Analysis for the Evaluation of Web Application Quality
So far, conceptual modeling of Web applications has been used primarily in the upper part of the life cycle, as a driver for system analysis. Little attention has been put on exploiting the conceptual models developed during analysis for application ...
Designing Collaborative Virtual Environments Based on Real Spaces to Promote Community Interaction
A Collaborative Virtual Environment (CVE) is a metaphor of a real environment, but it is not a copy of it. Members of a community may not know each other in real life. The design of CVE in which members are known and there is interaction in a real space ...
Using Association Rules to Discover Search Engines Related Queries
This work presents a method for automatic generate suggestions of related queries submitted toWeb search engines. The method extracts information from the log of past submitted queries to search engines using algorithms for mining association rules. ...
On the Image Content of the Chilean Web
In this paper we perform a study of the image contents of the Chilean web (.cl domain) using automatic feature extraction, content-based analysis and face detection algorithms. In an automated process we examine all .cl websites and download a large ...
Finding Buying Guides with a Web Carnivore
Research on buying behavior indicates that buying guides perform an important role in the overall buying process. However, while the Web contains many buying guides, finding those guides is difficult to impossible for the average consumer. Web search ...
Application Modeling for the Semantic Web
In this article we present a method for the design and implementation of Web Applications for the Semantic Web. Based on the "Object Oriented Hypermedia Design Method" approach, we used ontology concepts to define an application conceptual model, ...
Towards an Ontology for Software Metrics and Indicators as the Foundation for a Cataloging Web System
So that the software and web measurement field can become a more robust engineering discipline, it is mandatory to start reaching a common agreement between researchers and other stakeholders about primitive concepts such as attribute, metric, measure, ...
Estimating the Development Effort of Web Projects in Chile
This article presents a method to fast estimate the development effort of Web-based information systems in Chile. The method, called Chilean Web Application Development Effort Estimation (CWADEE), addresses a necessity to get effort estimations in a ...
A Utility-Oriented Hyperlink Analysis Model for the Web
The analysis of hyperlink structure on the Web has been employed for detecting high quality documents. uality may correspond to the authority of a document, but could also correspond to its utility, that is how well it enables a user to browse its ...
Multi-Tier Architecture for Web Search Engines
This paper describes a novel multi-tier architecture for a search engine. Based on observations from query log analysis as well as properties of a ranking formula, we derive a method to tier documents in a search engine. This allows for increased ...
A Semantic Matching Method for Clustering Traders in B2B Systems
This Work is part of the ICS (Intelligent Commerce System) project whose aim is to design and implement an effective Intelligent B2B Commerce System. This paper presents a practical application on Semantic Web and Web Services concepts where a matching ...
Quantitative Analysis of Strategies for Streaming Media Distribution
- Marisa A. Vasconcelos,
- Leonardo C. da Rocha,
- Juliano de C. Santos,
- José Ismael,
- Leonardo L. P. da Mata,
- Jussara M. Almeida,
- Wagner Meira,
- Virgílio A. F. Almeida
Distribution of streaming media content, including live news, music and videos, is becoming increasingly popular in today's Internet. Traditional client/server architectures are inefficient for distributing streaming media objects because of the high ...
The Best Trail Algorithm for Assisted Navigation of Web Sites
We present an algorithm called the Best Trail Algorithm, which helps solve the hypertext navigation problem by automating the construction of memex-like trails through the corpus. The algorithm performs a probabilistic best-first expansion of a set of ...
Collaborative Learning and Creative Writing
CSCL software tools must provide support for group work and should be based on a collaborative learning technique. The PBL based CCCuento tool is introduced here. It is intended to support apprentices groups in the collaborative creation of stories in ...
Does Home Internet Use Influence the Academic Performance of Low-Income Children? Findings from the HomeNetToo Project
Research on the effects of home Internet use on children's academic performance is virtually nonexistent. Although parents believe that having the Internet at home is important to their children's success in school, evidence linking access to success is ...
Syntactic Similarity of Web Documents
This paper presents and compares two methods for evaluating the syntactic similarity between documents. The first method uses the Patricia tree, constructed from the original document, and the similarity is computed searching the text of each candidate ...
Alternative Implementation Techniques for Web Text Visualization
We present an approach for building text visualizations that avoids using plug-ins or clients based on languages like Java. Instead we propose to make the search engine application more aware of the visualization process and use the web browser standard ...
WISDNA: An Information Visualization Paradigm for XML
With ever-increasing amounts of data in repositories, finding the information a user needsbecomes increasingly challenging. When users approach an information access system they often do not have a clear understanding of how to access the precise ...
Cooperative Crawling
Web crawler design presents many different challenges: architecture, strategies, performance and more. One of the most important research topics concerns improving the selection of"interesting" web pages (for the user), according to importance metrics. ...
Cooperation Schemes between a Web Server and a Web Search Engine
Search engines provide search results based on a large repository of pages downloaded by a web crawler from several servers. To provide best results, this repository must be kept as fresh as possible, but this can be difficult due to the large volume of ...
Finding Related Hubs and Authorities
In this paper a new algorithm for finding hubs (and authorities) related to a specific Web page is presented. Various aspects have been investigated in this direction, like extensions of the HITS algorithm or modifications to the Pagerank algorithm. Our ...
Structuring Information on the Web from Below: The Case of Educational Organizations in Chile
We present an ongoing work to help populate the Web with metadata by structuring and integrating information of organizations at a small scale. This is a natural complement to big scale projects to build the Semantic Web infrastructure We show an ...