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Dark web: exploring and mining the dark side of the web
This talk will review the emerging research in Terrorism Informatics based on a web mining perspective. Recent progress in the internationally renowned Dark Web project will be reviewed, including: deep/dark web spidering (web sites, forums, Youtube, ...
Declarative modeling for machine learning and data mining
Despite the popularity of machine learning and data mining today, it remains challenging to develop applications and software that incorporates machine learning or data mining techniques. This is because machine learning and data mining have focussed on ...
Can concepts reveal criminals?
In 2005 the Amsterdam-Amstelland police introduced Intelligence-led Policing as a management paradigm. The goal of ILP is to optimally use the information which becomes available after police patrols, motor vehicle inspections, video camera recordings, ...
Cartification: from similarities to itemset frequencies
Suppose we are given a multi-dimensional dataset. For every point in the dataset, we create a transaction, or cart, in which we store the k-nearest neighbors of that point for one of the given dimensions. The resulting collection of carts can then be ...
Processes are concepts, aren't they?
Discovery is an information / technical approach to the important managerial problem of decision making under not only uncertainty, but also actually, "unknown unknowns". Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is an elegant mathematically grounded theory that ...
Rough sets and FCA --- scalability challenges
Rough Sets (RS) [1,2,3] and Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) [4,5] provide foundations for a number of methods useful in data mining and knowledge discovery at different stages of data preprocessing, classification and representation. RS and FCA are often ...
Approximating concept stability
Concept stability was used in numerous applications for selecting concepts as biclusters of similar objects. However, scalability remains a challenge for computing stability. The best algorithms known so far have algorithmic complexity quadratic in the ...
Logical analysis of concept lattices by factorization
Reducing the size of concept lattices is a well-known problem in Formal Concept Analysis. A particular instance of this problem is the size reduction of concept lattices using factorization by complete tolerances. We show that all complete tolerances on ...
Basic level of concepts in formal concept analysis
The paper presents a preliminary study on basic level of concepts in the framework of formal concept analysis (FCA). The basic level of concepts is an important phenomenon studied in the psychology of concepts. We argue that this phenomenon may be ...
A peep through the looking glass: articulation points in lattices
We define as an 'articulation point' in a lattice an element which is comparable to all the other elements, but is not extremum.
We investigate a property which holds for both the lattice of a binary relation and for the lattice of the complement ...
Practical use of formal concept analysis in service-oriented computing
Pervasive applications are encountered in a number of settings, including smart houses, intelligent buildings or connected plants. Service-Oriented Computing is today the technology of choice for implementing and exposing resources in such environments. ...
Publication analysis of the formal concept analysis community
We present an analysis of the publication and citation networks of all previous editions of the three conferences most relevant to the FCA community: ICFCA, ICCS and CLA. Using data mining methods from FCA and graph analysis, we investigate patterns and ...
Understanding the semantic structure of human fMRI brain recordings with formal concept analysis
We investigate whether semantic information related to object categories can be obtained from human fMRI BOLD responses with Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). While the BOLD response provides only an indirect measure of neural activity on a relatively ...
Cubes of concepts: multi-dimensional exploration of multi-valued contexts
A number of information systems offer a limited exploration in that users can only navigate from one object to another object, e.g. navigating from folder to folder in file systems, or from page to page on the Web. An advantage of conceptual information ...
Ordinal factor analysis
We build on investigations by Keprt, Snásel, Belohlavek, and Vychodil on Boolean Factor Analysis. Rather than minimising the number of Boolean factors we aim at many-valued factorisations with a small number of ordinal factors.
A macroscopic approach to FCA and its various fuzzifications
We promote biresiduation as a fundamental unifying principle in Formal Concept Analysis, including fuzzification and factor analysis. In particular, we show that maximal formal rectangles are exactly formal concepts within the presented framework of ...
A connection between clone theory and FCA provided by duality theory
The aim of this paper is to show how Formal Concept Analysis can be used for the benefit of clone theory. More precisely, we show how a recently developed duality theory for clones can be used to dualize clones over bounded lattices into the framework ...
Formal concept discovery in semantic web data
Semantic Web efforts aim to bring the WWW to a state in which all its content can be interpreted by machines; the ultimate goal being a machine-processable Web of Knowledge. We strongly believe that adding a mechanism to extract and compute concepts ...
Concept lattices of incomplete data
We present a method of constructing a concept lattice of a formal context with incomplete data. The lattice reduces to a classical concept lattice when the missing values are completed. The lattice also can reflect any known dependencies between the ...
Formal concept analysis as a framework for business intelligence technologies
Numerical datasets in data mining are handled using various methods. In this paper, data mining of numerical data using FCA in combination with some interesting ideas from OLAP technology is proposed. This novel method is an enhancement of FCA, in which ...
Good classification tests as formal concepts
The interconnection between the Diagnostic (Classification) Test Approach to Data Analysis and the Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is considered. The definition of a good classification test is given via Galois's correspondences. Next we discuss the ...
Modeling preferences over attribute sets in formal concept analysis
In this paper, we consider two types of preferences from preference logic and propose their interpretation in terms of formal concept analysis. We are concerned only with preferences between sets of attributes, or, viewed logically, between conjunctions ...
Finding top-n colossal patterns based on clique search with dynamic update of graph
In this paper, we discuss a method for finding top-N colossal frequent patterns. A colossal pattern we try to extract is a maximal pattern with top-N largest length. Since colossal patterns can be found in relatively lower areas of an itemset (concept) ...
Quantitative concept analysis
Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) begins from a context, given as a binary relation between some objects and some attributes, and derives a lattice of concepts, where each concept is given as a set of objects and a set of attributes, such that the first set ...
Some notes on managing closure operators
It is widely known that closure operators on finite sets can be represented by sets of implications (also known as inclusion dependencies) as well as by formal contexts. In this paper we survey known results and present new findings concerning time and ...
Distributed formal concept analysis algorithms based on an iterative mapreduce framework
While many existing formal concept analysis algorithms are efficient, they are typically unsuitable for distributed implementation. Taking the MapReduce (MR) framework as our inspiration we introduce a distributed approach for performing formal concept ...