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Object-oriented Unified Encrypted Memory Management for Heterogeneous Memory Architectures

Published: 30 May 2024 Publication History


In contemporary database applications, the demand for memory resources is intensively high. To enhance adaptability to varying resource needs and improve cost efficiency, the integration of diverse storage technologies within heterogeneous memory architectures emerges as a promising solution. Despite the potential advantages, there exists a significant gap in research related to the security of data within these complex systems. This paper endeavors to fill this void by exploring the intricacies and challenges of ensuring data security in object-oriented heterogeneous memory systems. We introduce the concept of Unified Encrypted Memory (UEM) management, a novel approach that provides unified object references essential for data management platforms, while simultaneously concealing the complexities of physical scheduling from developers. At the heart of UEM lies the seamless and efficient integration of data encryption techniques, which are designed to ensure data integrity and guarantee the freshness of data upon access. Our research meticulously examines the security deficiencies present in existing heterogeneous memory system designs. By advancing centralized security enforcement strategies, we aim to achieve efficient object-centric data protection. Through extensive evaluations conducted across a variety of memory configurations and tasks, our findings highlight the effectiveness of UEM. The security features of UEM introduce low and acceptable overheads, and UEM outperforms conventional security measures in terms of speed and space efficiency.

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Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data  Volume 2, Issue 3
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Published: 30 May 2024
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  1. data confidentiality
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  3. heterogeneous memory architecture
  4. memory security
  5. unified memory management


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