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10.1145/1639714.1639719acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesrecsysConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A spatio-temporal approach to collaborative filtering

Published: 23 October 2009 Publication History


In this paper, we propose a novel spatio-temporal model for collaborative filtering applications. Our model is based on low-rank matrix factorization that uses a spatio-temporal filtering approach to estimate user and item factors. The spatial component regularizes the factors by exploiting correlation across users and/or items, modeled as a function of some implicit feedback (e.g., who rated what) and/or some side information (e.g., user demographics, browsing history). In particular, we incorporate correlation in factors through a Markov random field prior in a probabilistic framework, whereby the neighborhood weights are functions of user and item covariates. The temporal component ensures that the user/item factors adapt to process changes that occur through time and is implemented in a state space framework with fast estimation through Kalman filtering. Our spatio-temporal filtering (ST-KF hereafter) approach provides a single joint model to simultaneously incorporate both spatial and temporal structure in ratings and therefore provides an accurate method to predict future ratings. To ensure scalability of ST-KF, we employ a mean-field approximation for inference. Incorporating user/item covariates in estimating neighborhood weights also helps in dealing with both cold-start and warm-start problems seamlessly in a single unified modeling framework; covariates predict factors for new users and items through the neighborhood. We illustrate our method on simulated data, benchmark data and data obtained from a relatively new recommender system application arising in the context of Yahoo! Front Page.


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cover image ACM Conferences
RecSys '09: Proceedings of the third ACM conference on Recommender systems
October 2009
442 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 23 October 2009


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Author Tags

  1. collaborative filtering
  2. graphical model
  3. kalman filtering
  4. matrix factorization
  5. spatial modeling


  • Research-article


RecSys '09
RecSys '09: Third ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
October 23 - 25, 2009
New York, New York, USA

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Overall Acceptance Rate 254 of 1,295 submissions, 20%


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