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This research project is a study of the role of fixation and visual attention in object recognition. In this project, we build an active vision system which can recognize a target object in a cluttered scene efficiently and reliably. Our system integrates visual cues like color and stereo to perform figure/ground separation, yielding candidate regions on which to focus attention. Within each image region, we use stereo to extract features that lie within a narrow disparity range about the fixation position. These selected features are then used as input to an Alignment-style recognition system. We show that visual attention and fixation significantly reduce the complexity and the false identifications in model-based recognition using Alignment methods. We also demonstrate that stereo can be used effectively as a figure/ground separator without the need for accurate camera calibration.
Perceptual modeling in the problem of active object recognition in visual scenes
Incorporating models of human perception into the process of scene interpretation and object recognition in visual content is a strong trend in computer vision. In this paper we tackle the modeling of visual perception via automatic visual saliency maps ...
Familiarity based unified visual attention model for fast and robust object recognition
Even though visual attention models using bottom-up saliency can speed up object recognition by predicting object locations, in the presence of multiple salient objects, saliency alone cannot discern target objects from the clutter in a scene. Using a ...
An autonomous visual perception model for robots using object-based attention mechanism
ROBIO'09: Proceedings of the 2009 international conference on Robotics and biomimeticsThe object-based attention theory has shown that perception processes only select one object of interest from the world at a time which is then represented for action. This paper therefore presents an autonomous visual perception model for robots by ...