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Crisis management systems: a case study for aspect-oriented modeling
The intent of this document is to define a common case study for the aspect-oriented modeling research community. The domain of the case study is crisis management systems, i.e., systems that help in identifying, assessing, and handling a crisis ...
Requirements modeling with the aspect-oriented user requirements notation (AoURN): a case study
The User Requirements Notation (URN) is a recent ITU-T standard that supports requirements engineering activities. The Aspect-oriented URN (AoURN) adds aspect-oriented concepts to URN, creating a unified framework that allows for scenario-based, goal-...
Relating feature models to other models of a software product line: a comparative study of featuremapper and VML
- Florian Heidenreich,
- Pablo Sánchez,
- João Santos,
- Steffen Zschaler,
- Mauricio Alférez,
- João Araújo,
- Lidia Fuentes,
- Uirá Kulesza,
- Ana Moreira,
- Awais Rashid
Software product lines using feature models often require the relation between feature models in problem space and the models used to describe the details of the product line to be expressed explicitly. This is particularly important, where automatic ...
Aspect-oriented development using protocol modeling
The aim of this paper is to explore the modeling of crosscutting behavioral abstractions. We argue that behavioral aspects can be seen as a particular kind of more general behavioral abstraction called a "mixin". Mixins support a compositional style of ...
Using VCL as an aspect-oriented approach to requirements modelling
Software systems are becoming larger and more complex. By tackling the modularisation of crosscutting concerns, aspect orientation draws attention to modularity as a means to address the problems of scalability, complexity and evolution in software ...
Workflow design using fragment composition: crisis management system design through ADORE
The Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm supports the assembly of atomic services to create applications that implement complex business processes. Assembly can be accomplished by service orchestrations defined by SOA architects. The ADORE ...
Modeling the car crash crisis management system using HiLA
An aspect-oriented modeling approach to the Car Crash Crisis Management System (CCCMS) using the High-Level Aspect (HiLA) language is described. HiLA is a language for expressing aspects for UML static structures and UML state machines. In particular, ...
Aspect-oriented design with reusable aspect models
The idea behind Aspect-Oriented Modeling (AOM) is to apply aspect-oriented techniques to (software) models with the aim of modularizing crosscutting concerns. This can be done within different modeling notations, at different levels of abstraction, and ...
A graph-based aspect interference detection approach for UML-based aspect-oriented models
Aspect-Oriented Modeling (AOM) techniques facilitate separate modeling of concerns and allow for a more flexible composition of the resulting models than traditional techniques. While this improves the understandability of each submodel, in order to ...
Discovery of stable abstractions for aspect-oriented composition in the car crash management domain
In this paper, we illustrate our method for the discovery of stable domain abstractions for the purpose of designing robust and reusable pointcut interfaces in the car crash management system (CCMS).
A pointcut interface represents an abstraction of the ...
Cited By
- Alférez M, Bonifácio R, Teixeira L, Accioly P, Kulesza U, Moreira A, Araújo J and Borba P (2014). Evaluating scenario-based SPL requirements approaches, Requirements Engineering, 19:4, (355-376), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2014.
- Van Landuyt D and Joosen W Modularizing Early Architectural Assumptions in Scenario-Based Requirements Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering - Volume 8411, (170-184)
- Mosser S, Blay-Fornarino M and Duchien L A commutative model composition operator to support software adaptation Proceedings of the 8th European conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, (4-19)
- Clavreul M, Mosser S, Blay-Fornarino M and France R Service-oriented architecture modeling Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Model driven engineering languages and systems, (289-303)
Aspect-Oriented software development beyond programming
ICSR'06: Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Reuse of Off-the-Shelf ComponentsSoftware systems and the concerns addressed by them are becoming increasingly complex hence posing new challenges to the mainstream software engineering paradigms. The objectoriented paradigm is not sufficient to modularise crosscutting concerns, such ...