Thousands of learners have asked for high quality materials that focus on technologies that go beyond core applications of Microsoft Office. McGraw-Hill Technology Education has answered these requests with 4 new titles making up the +Plus Series. This books were designed to stand alone as primary texts or to supplement instruction in core courses. The +Plus Series books are brief, easy to use, and less expensive than primary textbooks. Table of contents CHAPTER 1VBA AND YOU: HOW CAN YOU GET THE MOST OUT OF MICROSOFT OFFICE SESSION 1.1: Introduction to VBA Programming SESSION 1.2: Using the VBA Integrated Development Environement (IDE) SESSION 1.3: Recording and Manipulating MacrosSESSION 1.4: Summary CHAPTER 2OBJECTS, VARIABLES, AND FUNCTIONS: HOW DO YOU ACCESS AND USE INFORMATION IN VBA SESSION 2.1: Understanding and Implementing Objects SESSION 2.2: Understanding Variables SESSION 2.3: Using Variables and Functions SESSION 2.4: Summary CHAPTER 3CONTROL STRUCTURES: HOW CAN YOU MAKE DECISIONS IN VBA SESSION 3.1: Control Structure Overview SESSION 3.2: If Then Else Statements SESSION 3.3: Select Caste Statements SESSION 3.4: Iterations and Loops SESSION 3.5: Summary CHAPTER 4 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT: HOW CAN YOU CREATE YOUR OWN MICROSOFT OFFICE APPLICATION SESSION 4.1: Communicating with Users SESSION 4.2: Customizing Your Application SESSION 4.3: Integrating Office Applications SESSION 4.4: Summary