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10.5555/1961414.1961442guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Search algorithm to find optimum strategies to shape political action with subjective assessment

Published: 30 November 2010 Publication History


This paper introduces a problem related to decision-making and the shaping of political strategies in the course of one term of office, in which the government and the opposition shape their proposals for action on two issues that are relevant for the citizens. A variable component is considered regarding both the relevance of the issues to be dealt with and the strategies that the parties are presumed to adopt. The aim of this study is to find the optimum strategies for the two majority parties of a country, while allowing them to vary their proposals to a certain degree. In addition, the process is dynamic because the proposals are intended to be modified taking into account the other party's foreseen action. The contribution of this article lies in this approach, as well as in its taking into account variable components. The problem is dealt with from a geometric point of view, and a search algorithm to find optimum strategies is developed.


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cover image Guide Proceedings
ECS'10/ECCTD'10/ECCOM'10/ECCS'10: Proceedings of the European conference of systems, and European conference of circuits technology and devices, and European conference of communications, and European conference on Computer science
November 2010
353 pages


World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)

Stevens Point, Wisconsin, United States

Publication History

Published: 30 November 2010

Author Tags

  1. computational geometry
  2. operations research
  3. search algorithms


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