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A Survey of Music Visualization Techniques

Published: 18 July 2021 Publication History


Music Information Research (MIR) comprises all the research topics involved in modeling and understanding music. Visualizations are frequently adopted to convey better understandings about music pieces, and the association of music with visual elements has been practiced historically and extensively. We investigated papers related to music visualization and organized the proposals into categories according to their most prominent aspects: their input features, the aspects visualized, the InfoVis technique(s) used, if interaction was provided, and users’ evaluations. The MIR and the InfoVis community can benefit by identifying trends and possible new research directions within the music visualization topic.


Simon Attfield, Gabriella Kazai, and Mounia Lalmas. 2011. Towards a science of user engagement (position paper). In Proceedings of the WSDM Workshop on User Modelling for Web Applications.
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Tony Bergstrom, Karrie Karahalios, and John C. Hart. 2007. Isochords: Visualizing structure in music. In Proceedings of the Graphics Interface Conference, Christopher G. Healey and Edward Lank (Eds.), Vol. 234. ACM Press, 297–304.
Dmitry Bogdanov, Nicolas Wack, Emilia Gómez, Sankalp Gulati, Perfecto Herrera, Oscar Mayor, Gerard Roma, Justin Salamon, José R. Zapata, and Xavier Serra. 2013. ESSENTIA: An open-source library for sound and music analysis. In Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Conference, Alejandro Jaimes, Nicu Sebe, Nozha Boujemaa, Daniel Gatica-Perez, David A. Shamma, Marcel Worring, and Roger Zimmermann (Eds.). ACM, 855–858.
Gabriel Dias Cantareira, Luis Gustavo Nonato, and Fernando Vieira Paulovich. 2016. MoshViz: A detail+overview approach to visualize music elements. IEEE Trans. Multim. 18, 11 (2016), 2238–2246.
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Matthew Cooper, Jonathan Foote, Elias Pampalk, and George Tzanetakis. 2006. Visualization in audio-based music information retrieval. Comput. Music. J. 30, 2 (2006), 42–62.
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Joyce Horn Fonteles, Maria Andréia Formico Rodrigues, and Victor Emanuel Dias Basso. 2013. Creating and evaluating a particle system for music visualization. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 24, 6 (2013), 472–482.
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Anastasia Gumulia, Bartlomiej Puzon, and Naoko Kosugi. 2011. Music visualization: Predicting the perceived speed of a composition—Misual project. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Multimedia, K. Selçuk Candan, Sethuraman Panchanathan, Balakrishnan Prabhakaran, Hari Sundaram, Wu-chi Feng, and Nicu Sebe (Eds.). ACM, 949–952.
Yoonchang Han, Jae-Hun Kim, and Kyogu Lee. 2017. Deep convolutional neural networks for predominant instrument recognition in polyphonic music. IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process. 25, 1 (2017), 208–221.
Andrea Hanke. 2017. Tools for feature extraction: Exploring essentia. Topics in Computer Music, RWTH Aachen, 1–9.
Aki Hayashi, Takayuki Itoh, and Masaki Matsubara. 2011. Colorscore—Visualization and condensation of structure of classical music. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Visualisation. 420–425.
Dorien Herremans and Ching-Hua Chuan. 2017. A multi-modal platform for semantic music analysis: Visualizing audio-and score-based tension. In Proceedings of the IEEE 11th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC).419–426.
Rumi Hiraga. 2002. Case study: A look of performance expression. In IEEE Visualization (VIS’02). 501–504.
Rumi Hiraga and Noriyuki Matsuda. 2004. Graphical expression of the mood of music. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. IEEE Computer Society, 2035–2038.
Rumi Hiraga, Reiko Mizaki, and Issei Fujishiro. 2002. Performance visualization: A new challenge to music through visualization. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Lawrence A. Rowe, Bernard Mérialdo, Max Mühlhäuser, Keith W. Ross, and Nevenka Dimitrova (Eds.). ACM, 239–242.
Rumi Hiraga, Fumiko Watanabe, and Issei Fujishiro. 2002. Music learning through visualization. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on WEB Delivering of Music, Christoph Busch, Michael Arnold, Paolo Nesi, and Martin Schmucker (Eds.). IEEE Computer Society, 101–108.
Eric J. Humphrey, Juan Pablo Bello, and Yann LeCun. 2012. Moving beyond feature design: Deep architectures and automatic feature learning in music informatics. In Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR’12). 403–408. Retrieved from
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Nobuhiko Jin, Naoki Haga, and Issei Fujishiro. 2016. SeeGroove2: An orbit metaphor for interactive groove visualization. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Cyberworlds, Alexei Sourin (Ed.). IEEE Computer Society, 131–134.
Ruslan Kamolov, Penousal Machado, and Pedro Cruz. 2013. Musical flocks. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference. ACM, 93.
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Arto Lehtiniemi and Jukka Holm. 2012. Using animated mood pictures in music recommendation. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Visualisation, Ebad Banissi, Stefan Bertschi, Camilla Forsell, Jimmy Johansson, Sarah Kenderdine, Francis T. Marchese, Muhammad Sarfraz, Liz J. Stuart, Anna Ursyn, Theodor G. Wyeld, Hanane Azzag, Mustapha Lebbah, and Gilles Venturini (Eds.). IEEE Computer Society, 143–150.
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Hugo Lima, Carlos Santos, and Bianchi Serique Meiguins. 2019. Visualizing the semantics of music. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Information Visualisation, Ebad Banissi, Anna Ursyn, Mark W. McK. Bannatyne, Nuno Datia, Rita Francese, Muhammad Sarfraz, Theodor G. Wyeld, Fatma Bouali, Gilles Venturini, Hanane Azzag, Mustapha Lebbah, Marjan Trutschl, Urska Cvek, Heimo Müller, Minoru Nakayama, Sebastian Kernbach, Loredana Caruccio, Michele Risi, Ugo Erra, Autilia Vitiello, and Veronica Rossano (Eds.). IEEE, 352–357.
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Wakako Machida and Takayuki Itoh. 2011. Lyricon: A Visual music selection interface featuring multiple icons. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Visualisation, Ebad Banissi, Stefan Bertschi, Remo Aslak Burkhard, Urska Cvek, Martin J. Eppler, Camilla Forsell, Georges G. Grinstein, Jimmy Johansson, Sarah Kenderdine, Francis T. Marchese, Carsten Maple, Marjan Trutschl, Muhammad Sarfraz, Liz J. Stuart, Anna Ursyn, and Theodor G. Wyeld (Eds.). IEEE Computer Society, 145–150.
Esteban Maestre, Panagiotis Papiotis, Marco Marchini, Quim Llimona, Oscar Mayor, Alfonso Pérez, and Marcelo M. Wanderley. 2017. Enriched multimodal representations of music performances: Online access and visualization. IEEE Multim. 24, 1 (2017), 24–34.
Akira Maezawa and Hiroshi G. Okuno. 2015. Bayesian audio-to-score alignment based on joint inference of timbre, volume, tempo, and note onset timings. Comput. Music. J. 39, 1 (2015), 74–87.
Delfina Malandrino, Donato Pirozzi, Gianluca Zaccagnino, and Rocco Zaccagnino. 2015. A color-based visualization approach to understand harmonic structures of musical compositions. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Visualisation, Ebad Banissi, Mark W. McK. Bannatyne, Fatma Bouali, Remo Burkhard, John Counsell, Urska Cvek, Martin J. Eppler, Georges G. Grinstein, Weidong Huang, Sebastian Kernbach, Chun-Cheng Lin, Feng Lin, Francis T. Marchese, Chi Man Pun, Muhammad Sarfraz, Marjan Trutschl, Anna Ursyn, Gilles Venturini, Theodor G. Wyeld, and Jian J. Zhang (Eds.). IEEE Computer Society, 56–61.
Delfina Malandrino, Donato Pirozzi, and Rocco Zaccagnino. 2018. Visualization and music harmony: Design, implementation, and evaluation. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference Information Visualisation, Ebad Banissi, Rita Francese, Mark W. McK. Bannatyne, Theodor G. Wyeld, Muhammad Sarfraz, João Moura Pires, Anna Ursyn, Fatma Bouali, Nuno Datia, Gilles Venturini, Giuseppe Polese, Vincenzo Deufemia, Tania Di Mascio, Marco Temperini, Filippo Sciarrone, Delfina Malandrino, Rocco Zaccagnino, Paloma Díaz, Fragkiskos Papadopoulo, Antonio Fernández Anta, Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Michele Risi, Ugo Erra, and Veronica Rossano (Eds.). IEEE Computer Society, 498–503.
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Philip McLeod and Geoff Wyvill. 2003. Visualization of musical pitch. In Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International Conference. IEEE Computer Society, 300–305.
Matthias Miller, Alexandra Bonnici, and Mennatallah El-Assady. 2019. Augmenting music sheets with harmonic fingerprints. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng’19). 17:1–17:10.
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Jordi Pons, Olga Slizovskaia, Rong Gong, Emilia Gómez, and Xavier Serra. 2017. Timbre analysis of music audio signals with convolutional neural networks. In Proceedings of the 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO’17). 2744–2748.
Roberto De Prisco, Delfina Malandrino, Donato Pirozzi, Gianluca Zaccagnino, and Rocco Zaccagnino. 2017. Understanding the structure of musical compositions: Is visualization an effective approach?Inf. Vis. 16, 2 (2017), 139–152.
Roberto De Prisco, Delfina Malandrino, Donato Pirozzi, Gianluca Zaccagnino, and Rocco Zaccagnino. 2018. Evaluation study of visualisations for harmonic analysis of 4-part music. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference Information Visualisation, Ebad Banissi, Rita Francese, Mark W. McK. Bannatyne, Theodor G. Wyeld, Muhammad Sarfraz, João Moura Pires, Anna Ursyn, Fatma Bouali, Nuno Datia, Gilles Venturini, Giuseppe Polese, Vincenzo Deufemia, Tania Di Mascio, Marco Temperini, Filippo Sciarrone, Delfina Malandrino, Rocco Zaccagnino, Paloma Díaz, Fragkiskos Papadopoulo, Antonio Fernández Anta, Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Michele Risi, Ugo Erra, and Veronica Rossano (Eds.). IEEE Computer Society, 484–489.
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ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 54, Issue 7
September 2022
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Publication History

Published: 18 July 2021
Accepted: 01 April 2021
Revised: 01 February 2021
Received: 01 November 2019
Published in CSUR Volume 54, Issue 7


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  1. Music visualization
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  3. information visualization
  4. music information retrieval


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