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Component-based synthesis of table consolidation and transformation tasks from examples

Published: 14 June 2017 Publication History


This paper presents a novel component-based synthesis algorithm that marries the power of type-directed search with lightweight SMT-based deduction and partial evaluation. Given a set of components together with their over-approximate first-order specifications, our method first generates a program sketch over a subset of the components and checks its feasibility using an SMT solver. Since a program sketch typically represents many concrete programs, the use of SMT-based deduction greatly increases the scalability of the algorithm. Once a feasible program sketch is found, our algorithm completes the sketch in a bottom-up fashion, using partial evaluation to further increase the power of deduction for rejecting partially-filled program sketches. We apply the proposed synthesis methodology for automating a large class of data preparation tasks that commonly arise in data science. We have evaluated our synthesis algorithm on dozens of data wrangling and consolidation tasks obtained from on-line forums, and we show that our approach can automatically solve a large class of problems encountered by R users.


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Introduction Motivating Examples Problem Formulation Hypotheses as Refinement Trees Synthesis Algorithm SMT-based Deduction Sketch Completion Implementation Evaluation Related Work Conclusion

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Published In

cover image ACM SIGPLAN Notices
ACM SIGPLAN Notices  Volume 52, Issue 6
PLDI '17
June 2017
708 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
  • cover image ACM Conferences
    PLDI 2017: Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
    June 2017
    708 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 14 June 2017
Published in SIGPLAN Volume 52, Issue 6

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Author Tags

  1. Component-based synthesis
  2. Data preparation
  3. Program synthesis
  4. Programming by example
  5. SMT-based deduction


  • Article

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