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View all- Liao XZhang LWei JYang DChen G(2018)Recommending Mobile Microblog Users via a Tensor Factorization Based on User Cluster ApproachWireless Communications & Mobile Computing10.1155/2018/94342392018Online publication date: 1-Jan-2018
Tackling air pollution has become of utmost importance since the last few decades. Different statistical as well as deep learning methods have been proposed till now, but seldom those have been used to forecast future long-term pollution trends. ...
Non-probabilistic forecasting methods are commonly used in various scientific fields. Fuzzy-time-series methods are well-known non-probabilistic and nonlinear forecasting methods. Although these methods can produce accurate forecasts, linear ...
Accurate and reliable forecasting is a crucial task in many different domains. The selection of a forecasting algorithm that is suitable for a specific time series can be a challenging task, since the algorithms’ performance depends on the time-...
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