Cited By
View all- Clarkson JFumero JPapadimitriou MZakkak FXekalaki MKotselidis CLuján MTilevich EMössenböck H(2018)Exploiting high-performance heterogeneous hardware for Java programs using graalProceedings of the 15th International Conference on Managed Languages & Runtimes10.1145/3237009.3237016(1-13)Online publication date: 12-Sep-2018
- Kotselidis CClarkson JRodchenko ANisbet AMawer JLuján M(2017)Heterogeneous Managed Runtime SystemsACM SIGPLAN Notices10.1145/3140607.305076452:7(74-82)Online publication date: 8-Apr-2017
- Kotselidis CClarkson JRodchenko ANisbet AMawer JLuján M(2017)Heterogeneous Managed Runtime SystemsProceedings of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments10.1145/3050748.3050764(74-82)Online publication date: 8-Apr-2017