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Robot algorithms for localization of multiple emission sources

Published: 29 April 2011 Publication History


The problem of time-varying, multisource localization using robotic swarms has received relatively little attention when compared to single-source localization. It involves distinct challenges regarding how to partition the robots during search to ensure that all sources are located in minimal time, how to avoid obstacles and other robots, and how to proceed after each source is found. Unfortunately, no common set of validation problems and reference algorithms has evolved, and there are no general theoretical foundations that guarantee progress, convergence, and termination. This article surveys the current multisource literature from the viewpoint of these central questions.


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Published: 29 April 2011
Accepted: 01 September 2009
Revised: 01 May 2009
Received: 01 December 2008
Published in CSUR Volume 43, Issue 3


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  1. Bayesian filters
  2. Bayesian occupancy mapping
  3. Source localization
  4. biologically inspired algorithms
  5. hill-climbing algorithms
  6. mobile robotic networks
  7. swarm algorithms


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