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Automatic transformation of series expressions into loops

Published: 01 January 1991 Publication History


The benefits of programming in a functional style are well known. In particular, algorithms that are expressed as compositions of functions operating on sequences/vectors/streams of data elements are easier to understand and modify than equivalent algorithms expressed as loops. Unfortunately, this kind of expression is not used anywhere near as often as it could be, for at least three reasons: (1) most programmers are less familiar with this kind of expression than with loops; (2) most programming languages provide poor support for this kind of expression; and (3) when support is provided, it is seldom effcient.
In any programming language, the second and third problems can be largely solved by introducing a data type called series, a comprehensive set of procedures operating on series, and a preprocessor (or compiler extension) that automatically converts most series expressions into efficient loops. A set of restrictions specifies which series expressions can be optimized. If programmers stay within the limits imposed, they are guaranteed of high efficiency at all times.
A common Lisp macro package supporting series has been in use for some time. A prototype demonnstrates that series can be straightforwardly supported in Pascal.


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Donald Cohen

A series is a possibly unbounded sequence of values. Compositions of functions that operate on series are generally briefer and more easily understood than alternative expressions of the same computation, for example, the sum of the squares of the differences of the corresponding elements of two series. Programming with series feels a lot like using APL, except that the series need not be computed before their use, and in fact may be infinite, and the intermediate series results need never be stored and the computation is therefore extremely efficient. This paper provides some relatively easy to understand conditions under which such expressions can be compiled into extremely efficient loops and describes the Common Lisp implementation. All of the above also appears in the Common Lisp manual [1]. (It is only fair to point out that this paper was submitted long before that manual came out.) Waters also describes a prototype implementation for Pascal, describes how the efficient loop is assembled from the series expression, discusses related work, and attempts to compare series with the facilities available in other languages.

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cover image ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 13, Issue 1
Jan. 1991
178 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 January 1991
Published in TOPLAS Volume 13, Issue 1


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