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Embedding statecharts into Teleo-Reactive programs to model interactions between agents

Published: 01 September 2017 Publication History


The TR paradigm is difficult and error-prone to directly model frequent interactions among agents.Extending the approach by incorporating statecharts is an improvement.A survey shows the benefit obtained when combining statecharts and TR programs. ContextThe Teleo-Reactive (TR) approach offers many possibilities for goal-oriented modeling of reactive systems, but it also has drawbacks when the number of interactions among agents is high, leading to barely legible specifications and losing the original benefits of the approach. ObjectiveThis work combines the TR paradigm with statecharts and provides advantages for modeling reactive systems and removing the shortcomings detected. MethodA basic example is adopted to reveal the problem that appears when agents are modeled only with the TR approach and have frequent interactions with others. This paper proposes an extension to the TR approach that integrates the modeling using statecharts. A transformation procedure from statecharts to TR programs makes it possible to continue using the infrastructure of existing execution platforms such as TeleoR. The approach has been validated for a particular domain by considering a more complex case study in which traditionally there have been no results on the application of the TR paradigm. A survey was carried out on students to verify the benefits of the approach. ResultsA method to consider statecharts when modeling TR programs. ConclusionsStatecharts can facilitate the adoption of the TR approach.


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Published In

cover image Journal of Systems and Software
Journal of Systems and Software  Volume 131, Issue C
September 2017
569 pages


Elsevier Science Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 September 2017

Author Tags

  1. Modeling reactive-systems
  2. Statecharts
  3. Teleo-Reactive


  • Research-article


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