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Impact of digital orientation and corporate social responsibility activities on the alliance relationship stability in contract farming

Published: 18 July 2024 Publication History


The current understanding of how digital orientation and corporate social responsibility activities collectively affect alliance relationship stability remains limited. This study explores the impact of these two strategic orientations on the alliance relationship stability in contract farming. Using a sample of Chinese agribusinesses, the results show that the two strategic orientations improve relationship quality between agribusinesses and farmers, which in turn enhances alliance relationship stability. Relationship quality fully mediates the effect of digital orientation on alliance relationship stability and partially mediates the effect of corporate social responsibility activities. The balance between the two strategic orientations is critical for alliance relationship stability.


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cover image Information and Management
Information and Management  Volume 61, Issue 4
Jun 2024
212 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 18 July 2024

Author Tags

  1. Alliance relationship stability
  2. Digital orientation
  3. Corporate social responsibility activities
  4. Relationship quality


  • Research-article


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