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Dynamic Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Formation Control for Intelligent Multi-agent System with Target Geometric Configuration

Published: 01 May 2023 Publication History


A new approach of formation control is proposed for a multi-agent system with target geometric configuration.
Global rigid graph and graph realization are employed for configuration of target formation pattern.
The Newton dynamic model is formulated for inherent driving force of each agent.
The stability of swarming motility is proved by Lyapunov’s second method.
Numerical simulations are performed for different rigid graph configurations to verify the theoretical findings.


Swarming motility arise very naturally in biological, physical, social sciences, etc. However, how to realize artificial intelligent self-organizing behavior is still an interesting and challenging task, especially for formation control of multiple agents with special geometric configuration. This work proposes a novel approach of formation control for a multi-agent system with target geometric configuration by combining dynamic model with graph realization. First, the global rigid graph is designed for the target formation pattern, then the interactive relationship and the expected distance between different intelligent agents are identified by the realization of graph. Secondly, the double-integrator dynamic model based on Newtonian mechanics is formulated for inherent driving force caused upon attenuation of potential energy, consistent of movement direction and speed. Thirdly, the stability of swarming motility is proved by Lyapunov’s second method, i.e., the movement of all agents will gradually stabilize to consistency of the movement direction and speed, and realize the target geometric configuration. Finally, numerical simulations of different geometric configurations are performed to verify the theoretical findings.


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  1. Dynamic Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Formation Control for Intelligent Multi-agent System with Target Geometric Configuration
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              Published In

              cover image Applied Mathematics and Computation
              Applied Mathematics and Computation  Volume 444, Issue C
              May 2023
              346 pages


              Elsevier Science Inc.

              United States

              Publication History

              Published: 01 May 2023

              Author Tags

              1. Multi-agent system
              2. Formation control
              3. Dynamic model
              4. Graph realization
              5. Geometric Configuration


              • Research-article


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