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A New Descent Method for Symmetric Non-monotone Variational Inequalities with Application to Eigenvalue Complementarity Problems

Published: 01 June 2017 Publication History


In this paper, a modified Josephy---Newton direction is presented for solving the symmetric non-monotone variational inequality. The direction is a suitable descent direction for the regularized gap function. In fact, this new descent direction is obtained by developing the Gauss---Newton idea, a well-known method for solving systems of equations, for non-monotone variational inequalities, and is then combined with the Broyden---Fletcher---Goldfarb---Shanno-type secant update formula. Also, when Armijo-type inexact line search is used, global convergence of the proposed method is established for non-monotone problems under some appropriate assumptions. Moreover, the new algorithm is applied to an equivalent non-monotone variational inequality form of the eigenvalue complementarity problem and some other variational inequalities from the literature. Numerical results from a variety of symmetric and asymmetric eigenvalue complementarity problems and the variational inequalities show a good performance of the proposed algorithm with regard to the test problems.


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  1. A New Descent Method for Symmetric Non-monotone Variational Inequalities with Application to Eigenvalue Complementarity Problems



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        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
        Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications  Volume 173, Issue 3
        June 2017
        344 pages


        Plenum Press

        United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 June 2017

        Author Tags

        1. 49M15
        2. 65F15
        3. 65F18
        4. 90C33
        5. 90C53
        6. BFGS secant update formula
        7. Complementarity problem
        8. Eigenvalue complementarity problem
        9. Gauss---Newton method
        10. Josephy---Newton method
        11. Variational inequality


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