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10.2312/eurovisshort.20171143guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Scoped: visualising the scope chain within source code

Published: 12 June 2017 Publication History


This paper presents an interactive visualisation tool that encodes the scope chain, and information related to the scope chain, within source code. The main goal of the tool is to support programmers when dealing with issues related to scope and to provide answers to questions such as to which scope does a specific variable or function belong to and can I access a specific variable from the scope I am currently located in. The design guidelines followed during the implementation of the tool, as well as the design rationale behind the main features of the tool are described. Finally, the results of a pilot user experience evaluation study are presented where an interesting observation was that the tool seemed to support programmers in verifying and correcting their assumptions when asked questions about specific scoping issues within a source code document.


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cover image Guide Proceedings
EuroVis '17: Proceedings of the Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Conference on Visualization: Short Papers
June 2017
160 pages


Eurographics Association

Goslar, Germany

Publication History

Published: 12 June 2017


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