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Tutorial on Static Inference of Numeric Invariants by Abstract Interpretation

Published: 05 December 2017 Publication History


Born in the late 70s, Abstract Interpretation has proven an effectivemethod to construct static analyzers. It has led to successful programanalysis tools routinely used in avionic, automotive, and space industriesto help ensuring the correctness of mission-critical software.This tutorial presents Abstract Interpretation and its use to createstatic analyzers that infer numeric invariants on programs. We firstpresent the theoretical bases of Abstract Interpretation: how to assigna well-defined formal semantics to programs, construct computable approximationsto derive effective analyzers, and ensure soundness, i.e.,any property derived by the analyzer is true of all actual executions -although some properties may be missed due to approximations, a necessarycompromise to keep the analysis automatic, sound, and terminatingwhen inferring uncomputable properties.We describe the classicnumeric abstractions readily available to an analysis designer: intervals,polyhedra, congruences, octagons, etc., as well as domain combiners:the reduced product and various disjunctive completions. This tutorialfocuses not only on the semantic aspect, but also on the algorithmicone, providing a description of the data-structures and algorithms necessaryto effectively implement all our abstractions. We will encountermany trade-offs between cost on the one hand, and precision and expressivenesson the other hand. Invariant inference is formalized on anidealized, toy-language, manipulating perfect numbers, but the principlesand algorithms we present are effectively used in analyzers for realindustrial programs, although this is out of the scope of this tutorial.This tutorial is intended as an entry course in Abstract Interpretation,after which the reader should be ready to read the researchliterature on current advances in Abstract Interpretation and on thedesign of static analyzers for real languages.


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