Cited By
View all- Zhang DLi YCao XShao JShen H(2018)Augmented keyword search on spatial entity databasesThe VLDB Journal — The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases10.1007/s00778-018-0497-627:2(225-244)Online publication date: 1-Apr-2018
- Martinenghi DTorlone R(2014)Taxonomy-based relaxation of query answering in relational databasesThe VLDB Journal — The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases10.1007/s00778-013-0350-x23:5(747-769)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2014
- Schmidt AKimmig DDickerhof M(2013)Search and Graphical Visualization of Concepts in Document Collections Using TaxonomiesProceedings of the 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences10.1109/HICSS.2013.472(1429-1434)Online publication date: 7-Jan-2013
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