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Smoothing Techniques for Computing Nash Equilibria of Sequential Games

Published: 01 May 2010 Publication History


We develop first-order smoothing techniques for saddle-point problems that arise in finding a Nash equilibrium of sequential games. The crux of our work is a construction of suitable prox-functions for a certain class of polytopes that encode the sequential nature of the game. We also introduce heuristics that significantly speed up the algorithm, and decomposed game representations that reduce the memory requirements, enabling the application of the techniques to drastically larger games. An implementation based on our smoothing techniques computes approximate Nash equilibria for games that are more than four orders of magnitude larger than what prior approaches can handle. Finally, we show near-linear further speedups from parallelization.


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Published In

cover image Mathematics of Operations Research
Mathematics of Operations Research  Volume 35, Issue 2
May 2010
241 pages



Linthicum, MD, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 May 2010
Received: 31 March 2008

Author Tags

  1. Nash equilibrium
  2. sequential games
  3. smoothing techniques


  • Article


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