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Explanations for the perpetration of and reactions to deception in a virtual community

Published: 01 September 2002 Publication History


Cases of identity deception on the Internet are not uncommon. Several cases of a revealed identity deception have been reported in the media. In this article, the authors examine a case of deception in an online community composed primarily of information technology professionals. In this case, an established community member (DF) invented a character (Nowheremom) whom he fell in love with and who was eventually killed in a tragic accident. When other members of the community eventually began to question Nowheremom's actual identity, DF admitted that he invented her. The discussion board was flooded with reactions to DF's revelation. The authors propose several explanations for the perpetration of identity deception, including psychiatric illness, identity play, and expressions of true self. They also analyze the reactions of community members and propose three related explanations (social identity, deviance, and norm violation) to account for their reactions. It is argued that virtual communities' reactions to such threatening events provide invaluable clues for the study of group processes on the Internet.


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  1. Explanations for the perpetration of and reactions to deception in a virtual community



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      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Social Science Computer Review
      Social Science Computer Review  Volume 20, Issue 3
      Special issue: Psychology and the internet
      Fall 2002
      138 pages


      Sage Publications, Inc.

      United States

      Publication History

      Published: 01 September 2002

      Author Tags

      1. community
      2. deception
      3. deviance
      4. internet
      5. social processes


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