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State-of-the-art in heterogeneous computing

Published: 01 January 2010 Publication History


Node level heterogeneous architectures have become attractive during the last decade for several reasons: compared to traditional symmetric CPUs, they offer high peak performance and are energy and/or cost efficient. With the increase of fine-grained parallelism in high-performance computing, as well as the introduction of parallelism in workstations, there is an acute need for a good overview and understanding of these architectures. We give an overview of the state-of-the-art in heterogeneous computing, focusing on three commonly found architectures: the Cell Broadband Engine Architecture, graphics processing units (GPUs), and field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). We present a review of hardware, available software tools, and an overview of state-of-the-art techniques and algorithms. Furthermore, we present a qualitative and quantitative comparison of the architectures, and give our view on the future of heterogeneous computing.


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cover image Scientific Programming
Scientific Programming  Volume 18, Issue 1
January 2010
75 pages


IOS Press


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Published: 01 January 2010

Author Tags

  1. Power-efficient architectures
  2. energy and power consumption
  3. microprocessor performance
  4. parallel computer architecture
  5. stream or vector architectures


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