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10.1145/93542.93571acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagespldiConference Proceedingsconference-collections
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The University of Washington illustrating compiler

Published: 01 June 1990 Publication History


The University of Washington illustrating compiler (UWPI) automatically illustrates the data structures used in simple programs written in a subset of Pascal2. A UWPI user submits a program to UWPI, and can then watch a graphical display show time varying illustrations of the data structures and program source code. UWPI uses the information latent in the program to determine how to illustrate the program. UWPI infers the abstract data types directly from the declarations and operations used in the source program, and then lays out the illustration in a natural way by instantiating well-known layouts for the abstracts types. UWPI solves program illustration using compile-time pattern matching and type inferencing to link anticipated execution events to display events, rather than relying on user assistance or specialized programming techniques. UWPI has been used to automatically illustrate didactic sorting and searching examples, and can be used to help teach basic data structures, or to help when debugging programs.


K. Andrews, R. R. Henry and W. K. Yamamoto, "Design and Implementation of the UW Illustrated Compiler", Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 1988 Symposium on Programming Lanuage Design and Implementation, SiGPLAN Notices 23, 6 (June 1988), 105-114.
M. H. Brown and R. Sedgewick, "Techniques for Algorithm Animation", IEEE Software 2, 1 (1985), 28-39.
M. H. Brown, "Algorithm Animation", PhD Thesis, Technical Report CS-87-05, Department of Computer Science, Brown University, April 1987.
B. Freeman-Benson, J. Maloney and A. Boming, "An Incremental Constraint Solver", Communications of the ACM 33, 1 (January 1990).
R. R. Henry, K. M. Whaley and B. Forstall, "A Demonstration of the UW Illustrating Compiler", Video Tape, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of WA, Seattle, WA, April 1990.
R. London and R. A. Duisberg, "Animating Programs Using Smalltalk", IEEE Computer 18, 8 (August 1985), 61-71.
R. Milner, "A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming", Journal of Computer and System Sciences 17, 3 (December 1978), 348-375.
B. A. Myers, "Incense: A System for Displaying Data Structures", Computer Graphics 17, 3 (1983).
C. Rich and R. C. Waters, "The Programmer's Apprentice Project: A Rose. arch Overview" MIT (Submitted to IEEE Software), November '1987.
L. A. Rowe, M. Davis, E. Messinger, C. Meyer, C. Spirakis and A. Tuan, "A Browser for Directed Graphs", Software.-4'ractice & Experience 17, 1 (January 1987), 61-76.
K. Sugiyama, S. Tagawa and M. Toda, "Methods for Visual Understanding of Hierarchical System Structures", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics SMC-11 (February 1981), 109-125.
K. M. Whaley, "UWPI: A System to Automatically Construct Illustrated Programs", Masters Thesis, UWCSD, Seattle, WA, member, 1989.

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cover image ACM Conferences
PLDI '90: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 1990 conference on Programming language design and implementation
June 1990
351 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 June 1990


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