An APL ompiler
APL since 1978
The Evolution of APL, the HOPL I paper by Falkoff and Iverson on APL, recounted the fundamental design principles which shaped the implementation of the APL language in 1966, and the early uses and other influences which shaped its first decade of ...
An APL ompiler
APL '00: Proceedings of the international conference on APL-Berlin-2000 conferenceEven if APL is the best-suited programming language for multi-dimensional data, nowadays computer applications additionally require complex graphical user interfaces, internet and database access. Combining software written in C, C++ or Java with ...
APL/Z80: An APL interpreter for Z80 microcomputers
APL '79: Proceedings of the international conference on APL: part 1An APL interpreter for Z80 microcomputers is described. APL/Z80 extends APL applications to the realm of low-cost personal computers. For example, APL/Z80 can be configured to run on Z80 systems with video console, 28K byte workspace, dual floppy disks ...
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- July 2000258 pages
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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