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A digital multisignature scheme using bijective public-key cryptosystems

Published: 01 November 1988 Publication History


A new digital multisignature scheme using bijective public-key cryptosystems that overcomes the problems of previous signature schemes used for multisignatures is proposed. The principal features of this scheme are (1) the length of a multisignature message is nearly equivalent to that for a singlesignature message; (2) by using a one-way hash function, multisignature generation and verification are processed in an efficient manner; (3) the order of signing is not restricted; and (4) this scheme can be constructed on any bijective public-key cryptosystem as well as the RSA scheme. In addition, it is shown that the new scheme is considered as safe as the public-key cryptosystem used in this new scheme. Some variations based on the scheme are also presented.


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  1. A digital multisignature scheme using bijective public-key cryptosystems



    James P. Anderson

    The problem of multiple signatures in electronic data systems originated in the paper world, where even routine and ordinary correspondence requires various forms of counter-signatures and approval signatures (for example, look at the title pages of most technical or engineering reports produced by large corporations). Electronic documents require such signatures to the same extent. From earlier work (cited in the paper) the author provides a general schema for multiple electronic signatures that increases the message length by the length of the ciphertext of each added signature. The author then describes and analyzes a scheme in which the length in bits of a multisigned document is increased only by the length of a single signature, plus one bit for each additional signatory. Previous schemes increased the total message length by the length of a single signature times the number of signatories. The paper includes an example of the process using the RSA algorithm; Okamoto claims, however, that any bijective ciphering scheme is equally applicable. Proofs of the security properties of the proposed scheme are also presented. This carefully written paper is an excellent model of what technical papers should be. I recommend it to everyone working in the field of office automation (for the application) as well as to those working in public key cryptology. It is a nice, well-written piece of work.

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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
    ACM Transactions on Computer Systems  Volume 6, Issue 4
    Nov. 1988
    101 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 November 1988
    Published in TOCS Volume 6, Issue 4


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