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LEAP: Scaffolding Collaborative Learning of Community Health Workers in India

Published: 07 November 2019 Publication History


Despite a crucial role in providing public health services, Community Health Workers (CHWs) remain disadvantaged in receiving effective skill-building opportunities. Due to the lack of health experts and appropriate infrastructure, it becomes challenging to provide training on a regular basis. Our aim is to investigate opportunities for designing technology-supported collaborative learning to compensate for the limited availability of instructors. We designed a mobile learning-based peer-led educational intervention, and conducted an eight week long between-group study with 120 CHWs across four districts of Delhi, India. We found that CHWs were able to participate and use the system on their own leading to significant knowledge gains and increased desire to learn. With little guidance, CHWs exhibited benefits of collaborative learning in terms of positive interdependence on each other and use of interpersonal skills. The informal peer learning environment encouraged CHWs to have discourses on deeper societal aspects e.g. their role in society.


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Published: 07 November 2019
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