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Hierarchical Global-Local Temporal Modeling for Video Captioning

Published: 15 October 2019 Publication History


In this paper, a Hierarchical Temporal Model (HTM) is proposed for the video captioning task, based on exploring the global and local temporal structure to better recognize fine-grained objects and actions. In our HTM, the encoder and decoder are hierarchically aligned according to different levels of features. The encoder applies two LSTM layers to construct temporal structures at both frame-level and object-level where the attention mechanism is applied to locate objects of interest, and the decoder uses corresponding LSTM layers to extract pivotal features from global to local through multi-level attention mechanism. Moreover, the local temporal structure is constructed implicitly from candidate object-oriented features under the guidance of global temporal-spatial representation, that could generate more accurate descriptions in handling shot-switching problems. Experiments on the widely used Microsoft Video Description Corpus (MSVD) and Charades datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach when compared to the state-of-the-art methods.


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  1. Hierarchical Global-Local Temporal Modeling for Video Captioning



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