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ASTRA: High Throughput 3PC over Rings with Application to Secure Prediction

Published: 11 November 2019 Publication History


The concrete efficiency of secure computation has been the focus of many recent works. In this work, we present concretely-efficient protocols for secure 3-party computation (3PC) over a ring of integers modulo 2ℓ tolerating one corruption, both with semi-honest and malicious security. Owing to the fact that computation over ring emulates computation over the real-world system architectures, secure computation over ring has gained momentum of late.
Cast in the offline-online paradigm, our constructions present the most efficient online phase in concrete terms. In the semi-honest setting, our protocol requires communication of 2 ring elements per multiplication gate during the online phase. In the malicious setting, our protocol requires communication of 4 elements per multiplication gate during the online phase, beating the state-of-the-art protocol by 5 elements. Realized with both the security notions of selective abort and fairness, the malicious protocol with fairness involves a slightly more communication than its counterpart with abort security for the output gates alone.
We apply our techniques from 3PC in the regime of secure server-aided machine-learning (ML) inference for a range of prediction functions-- linear regression, linear SVM regression, logistic regression, and linear SVM classification. Our setting considers a model-owner with trained model parameters and a client with a query, with the latter willing to learn the prediction of her query based on the model parameters of the former. The inputs and computation are outsourced to a set of three non-colluding servers. Our constructions catering to both semi-honest and malicious world, invariably perform better than the existing constructions.


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    CCSW'19: Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Cloud Computing Security Workshop
    November 2019
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    Published: 11 November 2019


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    2. cryptographic protocols
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    4. secure computation
    5. secure prediction


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    • Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme of Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology Government of India


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