Cited By
View all- Feng YZhu SOu Y(2022)Accelerating DIN Model for Online CTR Prediction with Data Compression2022 7th International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA)10.1109/ICBDA55095.2022.9760313(84-89)Online publication date: 4-Mar-2022
Matching Pursuit algorithms learn a function that is a weighted sum of basis functions, by sequentially appending functions to an initially empty basis, to approximate a target function in the least-squares sense. We show how matching pursuit can be ...
Two efficient algorithms are proposed to seek the sparse representation on high-dimensional Hilbert space. By proving that all the calculations in Orthogonal Match Pursuit (OMP) are essentially inner-product combinations, we modify the OMP algorithm to ...
This paper proposes an iterative computation of sparse representations of functions defined on R^d, which exploits a formulation of the sparsification problem equivalent to Support Vector Machine and based on Tikhonov regularization. Through this ...
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