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WithYou: Automated Adaptive Speech Tutoring With Context-Dependent Speech Recognition

Published: 23 April 2020 Publication History


Learning to speak in foreign languages is hard. Speech shadowing has been rising as a proven way to practice speaking, which asks a learner to listen and repeat a native speech template as simultaneously as possible. However, shadowing can be hard to do because learners can frequently fail to follow the speech and unintentionally interrupt a practice session. Worse, as a technical way to evaluate shadowing performance in real-time has not been established, no automated solutions are available to help. In this paper, we propose a technical framework with context-dependent speech recognition to evaluate shadowing in real-time. We propose a shadowing tutor system called WithYou, which can automatically adjust the playback and the difficulty of a speech template when learners fail, so shadowing becomes smooth and tailored. Results from a user study show that WithYou provides greater speech improvements (14%) than the conventional method (2.7%) with a lower cognitive load.

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    CHI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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    Published: 23 April 2020


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    1. computer assisted language learning (call)
    2. intelligent tutoring system, language learning
    3. shadowing
    4. speaking
    5. speech recognition


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