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Trace abstraction modulo probability

Published: 02 January 2019 Publication History


We propose trace abstraction modulo probability, a proof technique for verifying high-probability accuracy guarantees of probabilistic programs. Our proofs overapproximate the set of program traces using failure automata, finite-state automata that upper bound the probability of failing to satisfy a target specification. We automate proof construction by reducing probabilistic reasoning to logical reasoning: we use program synthesis methods to select axioms for sampling instructions, and then apply Craig interpolation to prove that traces fail the target specification with only a small probability. Our method handles programs with unknown inputs, parameterized distributions, infinite state spaces, and parameterized specifications. We evaluate our technique on a range of randomized algorithms drawn from the differential privacy literature and beyond. To our knowledge, our approach is the first to automatically establish accuracy properties of these algorithms.

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Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  Volume 3, Issue POPL
January 2019
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New York, NY, United States

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Published: 02 January 2019
Published in PACMPL Volume 3, Issue POPL


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  1. Craig interpolation
  2. Trace abstraction
  3. probabilistic program verification
  4. union bound


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