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NetCache: Balancing Key-Value Stores with Fast In-Network Caching

Published: 14 October 2017 Publication History


We present NetCache, a new key-value store architecture that leverages the power and flexibility of new-generation programmable switches to handle queries on hot items and balance the load across storage nodes. NetCache provides high aggregate throughput and low latency even under highly-skewed and rapidly-changing workloads. The core of NetCache is a packet-processing pipeline that exploits the capabilities of modern programmable switch ASICs to efficiently detect, index, cache and serve hot key-value items in the switch data plane. Additionally, our solution guarantees cache coherence with minimal overhead. We implement a NetCache prototype on Barefoot Tofino switches and commodity servers and demonstrate that a single switch can process 2+ billion queries per second for 64K items with 16-byte keys and 128-byte values, while only consuming a small portion of its hardware resources. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a sophisticated application-level functionality, such as in-network caching, has been shown to run at line rate on programmable switches. Furthermore, we show that NetCache improves the throughput by 3-10x and reduces the latency of up to 40% of queries by 50%, for high-performance, in-memory key-value stores.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (netcache.mp4)


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SOSP '17: Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
October 2017
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 14 October 2017


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  1. Caching
  2. Key-value stores
  3. Programmable switches


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