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10.1145/3020165.3020172acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesirConference Proceedingsconference-collections

An Interface for Supporting Asynchronous Multi-Level Collaborative Information Retrieval

Published: 07 March 2017 Publication History


A great deal of research into Collaborative Information Retrieval (CIR) has assumed that search team members have the same level of unrestricted access to information. However, case studies and observations from different domains including government, healthcare and legal, have suggested that CIR sometimes involves people with unequal access to information. This type of scenario has been referred to as Multi-Level CIR (MLCIR). In addition to supporting collaboration, MLCIR systems must ensure that there is no unintended disclosure of sensitive information, this is an under investigated area of research. In this paper we present results of an evaluation of an interface we have designed for MLCIR scenarios. Pairs of participants used the interface under 3 different information access scenarios for a variety of search tasks. These scenarios included 1 CIR and 2 MLCIR scenarios, namely: full access (FA), document removal (DR) and term blacklisting (TR). Design interviews were conducted post evaluation to obtain qualitative feedback from participants. Evaluation results showed that our interface performed well for both DR and FA scenarios but for TR, team members with less access had a negative influence on their partner's search performance, demonstrating insights into how different MLCIR scenarios should be supported. Design interview results showed that our interface helped the participants to reformulate their queries, understand their partner's performance, reduce duplicated work and review their team's search history without disclosing sensitive information.


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Cited By

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  • (2022)Reflection on future directions: a systematic review of reported limitations and solutions in interactive information retrieval user studiesAslib Journal of Information Management10.1108/AJIM-05-2022-0253Online publication date: 19-Dec-2022
  • (2018)Report on the Second International Workshop on the Evaluation on Collaborative Information Seeking and Retrieval (ECol?2017 @ CHIIR)ACM SIGIR Forum10.1145/3190580.319059951:3(122-127)Online publication date: 22-Feb-2018



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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image ACM Conferences
CHIIR '17: Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Conference Human Information Interaction and Retrieval
March 2017
454 pages
  • Conference Chairs:
  • Ragnar Nordlie,
  • Nils Pharo,
  • Program Chairs:
  • Luanne Freund,
  • Birger Larsen,
  • Dan Russel
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 07 March 2017


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  1. asynchronous collaboration
  2. information access
  3. information retrieval
  4. interface design
  5. non-uniform access


  • Research-article



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CHIIR '17 Paper Acceptance Rate 10 of 48 submissions, 21%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 55 of 163 submissions, 34%


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  • (2022)Reflection on future directions: a systematic review of reported limitations and solutions in interactive information retrieval user studiesAslib Journal of Information Management10.1108/AJIM-05-2022-0253Online publication date: 19-Dec-2022
  • (2018)Report on the Second International Workshop on the Evaluation on Collaborative Information Seeking and Retrieval (ECol?2017 @ CHIIR)ACM SIGIR Forum10.1145/3190580.319059951:3(122-127)Online publication date: 22-Feb-2018

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