The 21st European conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP) was held in the Bavarian Kloster Irsee, Germany from 6th-10th July 2016, where pattern authors and pattern enthusiasts met to discuss, explore new patterns and write patterns.
Patterns for designing configurability into domain-specific language elements
Nowadays, designing a domain-specific language is easier than ever before. Nevertheless, finding the right balance concerning the configurability of concepts represented by language elements is a complicated design task. With this paper we provide four ...
Quality attestation: an open source pattern
A number of small Open Source projects let independent providers measure different aspects of their quality that would otherwise be hard to see. This paper describes this observation as the pattern Quality Attestation. Quality Attestation belongs to a ...
Experience paper about application of enterprise integration patterns in an industry context
Integration of applications extends existing software solutions and enables a new potential of business cases. But integration of legacy applications, originally not designed for intense combinations, is always a challenging task. In this experience ...
A pattern language for RESTful conversations
As a good user interface design is important for the success of an app, so is a good API for the success of a Web service. Within the RESTful Web services community there is a need for a systematic approach in knowledge sharing, for which patterns are ...
Internet of things patterns
The development of the Internet of Things is gaining more and more momentum. Due to its widespread applicability, many different solutions have been created in all kinds of areas and contexts. These include solutions for building automation, industrial ...
The task-oriented occurrence pattern
Good performance is pivotal to the achievement of individual and organisational goals. Consequently, the problem of accurately assessing performance is of the utmost importance. We claim that such an assessment should not rely only on the mere knowledge ...
API patterns in C
Iterating over some elements is a commonly required operation in most programs. In most programming languages there is either a built-in mechanism for iteration, or there is at least some guidance, like the Iterator design pattern for object-oriented ...
The star pattern: representing domain concepts in a uniform way
This software architecture pattern describes how to set up an information system's architecture by using 'business components' and their 'representational connectors' that, together, form the Star pattern. The pattern allows the separation of business ...
What makes a design pattern language?: value system and organizing principle
This paper explores the question of how design patterns could be combined into and presented as a design pattern language, to meet the requirements of the two stakeholder groups in any design community: practicing designers, and those that record design ...
The innovation-driven hackathon: one means for accelerating innovation
Established companies often have difficulties developing new innovative products in a fast and creative way because of their fix structure and organizational complexity. With decision processes divided across several departments it takes too long to get ...
Knowledge profiles of employees
It is widely acknowledged that the knowledge and skills of individuals directly affect the ability of organisations to innovate and to provide quality end-products or services, thus, gaining competitive benefits and higher revenues [1], [2], [3]. ...
A pattern collection for knowledge processing system architecture
Many architecture and design patterns exist for enterprise software development. Nowadays interest of knowledge processing systems has been heightened, as these technologies can provide a valuable benefit for a company (e.g., supporting decision making)...
Patterns to establish a secure communication channel
- Andreas Daniel Sinnhofer,
- Felix Jonathan Oppermann,
- Klaus Potzmader,
- Clemens Orthacker,
- Christian Steger,
- Christian Kreiner
Nowadays, cyber-physical systems (CPS) are omnipresent in our daily lives and are increasingly used to process confidential data. While the variety of portable devices we use excessively at home and at work is steadily increasing, their security ...
Static and dynamic integrity properties patterns
Integrity is a crucial property in current computing systems. Due to natural or human-made (malicious and non-malicious) faults this property can be violated. Therefore, many methodologies and patterns that check or verify the integrity of systems or ...
A collection of patterns for prime generation
The search for prime numbers is, unarguably, one of the most important problems in computational number theory. In addition to its intrinsic theoretical interest, research on the subject has been spurred by the compelling need for security in the ...
Risk-based authenticator for web applications
Web applications for consumers often require authenticated users in order to offer their services. In this context, consumers expect authentication to be easy to use and their resources to be secured properly. But, authentication in web applications is ...
A pattern language for building an infrastructure of a digital knowledge base
This pattern language supports building an infrastructure for a knowledge base to reuse information, concepts and methods you are learning or have learned. People, who frequently use digital media to workflows, often engage the problem that they never ...
A time sort filing system pattern
Knowledge workers share a common pain. They need paper artifacts and must store them, usually running a subject-based filing system. The Noguchi Filing System (NFS) instead offers a frequency-of-access alternative. It organizes by using and ...
Pattern-oriented approaches for design-based research in collaborative research projects: a knowledge maturing perspective
Design-based research has become increasingly popular in collaborative cross-disciplinary research projects. Based on the experience in several European research projects, this research methodology allows for more agile research approaches. However, it ...
A novel simulation-based verification pattern for parallel executions in the cloud
Simulation-based verification is one of the most essential verification-methods in today's development of embedded systems. To ensure a reliable system, not only functional but also non-functional properties like timing, power, thermal or safety must be ...
The magic 5 of innovation: judgement patterns
Creative thinking is a key skill in almost every domain. Creativity is required to innovate, develop new ideas, get deeper insights, address challenges and resolve conflicts. This paper presents patterns for judging which ideas are the most promising ...
Student's choice of assessment
Assessment, be it formative, summative or diagnostic, is at the heart of all educational endeavour yet many university teachers are not trained in assessment strategies and the underlying principles. Assessment should be fair and relevant for the ...
Process patterns for requirement consistency analysis
In the requirement space, patterns are gaining prominence to capture the requirement knowledge for reuse and help identify requirements. The quality of requirement specification is critical for effective understanding and implementation of requirements. ...
Towards a pattern language for construction and maintenance of software architecture traceability links
The documentation of software architecture traceability links is the foundation for many important architecture management activities, such as verification and validation, reuse evaluation and impact analysis. In practice, the construction and ...
Describing binding time in software design patterns
Binding time is an important, yet underestimated viewpoint in software architecture and design. It defines the latest time during the software life cycle when something flexible becomes decided and fixed. This heavily impacts the flexibility of a ...
From requirement to design patterns for ubiquitous computing applications
Ubiquitous Computing describes a concept where computing appears around us at any time and any location. Respective systems rely on context-sensitivity and adaptability. This means that they constantly collect data of the user and his context to adapt ...
A reference architecture for web browsers: part II, a pattern for web browser content renderer
Currently, most software developments are focused in creating systems connected to the Internet, which allows to add functionality within a system and facilities to their stakeholders. This leads to depend on a web client, such as a web browser, which ...
Design patterns for helping students to learn to represent math problems in online learning systems
Online learning systems have been gaining popularity, but are not without their challenges. For example, enrollment in MOOCs has slowed down, which is attributed to the lack of sustainability. The success of online learning systems is heavily influenced ...
Generator patterns: a pattern language for collaborative inquiry
As the society shifts from a society of consumption, communication, and to creation, tools and roles that support creative activities are necessary. In this paper, we discuss the role of "generator," who leads the group through the inquiry process to ...
Major variants of the SIS architecture pattern for collective intelligence systems
Collective Intelligence Systems (CIS), such as social networking services, wikis, and media sharing platforms, access and harness the collective knowledge of connected people by providing a web-based environment to share, distribute, and retrieve topic-...
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
EuroPLoP '20 | 58 | 37 | 64% |
EuroPLoP '18 | 53 | 35 | 66% |
EuroPLoP '17 | 53 | 34 | 64% |
EuroPlop '16 | 53 | 35 | 66% |
EuroPLoP '13 | 36 | 24 | 67% |
EuroPLoP '12 | 23 | 11 | 48% |
EuroPLoP '11 | 39 | 15 | 38% |
EuroPLoP '10 | 39 | 25 | 64% |
Overall | 354 | 216 | 61% |