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"Looks Good To Me ;-)": Assessing Sentiment Analysis Tools for Pull Request Discussions

Published: 18 June 2024 Publication History


Modern software development relies on cloud-based collaborative platforms (e.g., GitHub and GitLab). In these platforms, developers often employ a pull-based development approach, proposing changes via pull requests and engaging in communication via asynchronous message exchanges. Since communication is key for software development, studies have linked different types of sentiments embedded in the communication to their effects on software projects, such as bug-inducing commits or the non-acceptance of pull requests. In this context, sentiment analysis tools are paramount to detect the sentiment of developers’ messages and prevent potentially harmful impact. Unfortunately, existing state-of-the-art tools vary in terms of the nature of their data collection and labeling processes. Yet, there is no comprehensive study comparing the performance and generalizability of existing tools utilizing a dataset that was designed and systematically curated to this end, and in this specific context. Therefore, in this study, we design a methodology to assess the effectiveness of existing sentiment analysis tools in the context of pull request discussions. For that, we created a dataset that contains ≈ 1.8K manually labeled messages from 36 software projects. The messages were labeled by 19 experts (neuroscientists and software engineers), using a novel and systematic manual classification process designed to reduce subjectivity. By applying these existing tools to the dataset, we observed that while some tools ]perform acceptably, their performance is far from ideal, especially when classifying negative messages. This is interesting since negative sentiment is often related to a critical or unfavorable opinion. We also observed that some messages have characteristics that can make them harder to classify, causing disagreements between the experts and possible misclassifications by the tools, requiring more attention from researchers. Our contributions include valuable resources to pave the way to develop robust and mature sentiment analysis tools that capture/anticipate potential problems during software development.


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EASE '24: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering
June 2024
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Published: 18 June 2024


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