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View all- Wang JAn ZGuo Y(2025)MetaSonic: Advancing Robot Localization With Directional Embedded Acoustic SignalsIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters10.1109/LRA.2024.352490310:2(1704-1711)Online publication date: Feb-2025
A single room impulse response can reveal information about the acoustics of a given space in both objective, and, when used for auralization, subjective terms. However, for additional spatial information, or more accurate and perceptually convincing ...
Sound source localization is vital for daily tasks such as communication or navigating environments. However, millions of adults struggle with hearing impairment, which limits their ability to identify the direction and distance of sound sources. ...
In this work, a dual-band dual circularly polarized coplanar waveguide (CPW)-fed monopole antenna is presented. The antenna consists of the modified ground plane, and two rectangular-shaped radiators, which are located on the two sides of the ...
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