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VirtualNexus: Enhancing 360-Degree Video AR/VR Collaboration with Environment Cutouts and Virtual Replicas

Published: 11 October 2024 Publication History


Asymmetric AR/VR collaboration systems bring a remote VR user to a local AR user’s physical environment, allowing them to communicate and work within a shared virtual/physical space. Such systems often display the remote environment through 3D reconstructions or 360° videos. While 360° cameras stream an environment in higher quality, they lack spatial information, making them less interactable. We present VirtualNexus, an AR/VR collaboration system that enhances 360° video AR/VR collaboration with environment cutouts and virtual replicas. VR users can define cutouts of the remote environment to interact with as a world-in-miniature, and their interactions are synchronized to the local AR perspective. Furthermore, AR users can rapidly scan and share 3D virtual replicas of physical objects using neural rendering. We demonstrated our system’s utility through 3 example applications and evaluated our system in a dyadic usability test. VirtualNexus extends the interaction space of 360° telepresence systems, offering improved physical presence, versatility, and clarity in interactions.

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Index Terms

  1. VirtualNexus: Enhancing 360-Degree Video AR/VR Collaboration with Environment Cutouts and Virtual Replicas



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