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FrugalLight : Symmetry-Aware Cyclic Heterogeneous Intersection Control using Deep Reinforcement Learning with Model Compression, Distillation and Domain Knowledge

Published: 13 May 2024 Publication History


Developing countries need to better manage fast increasing traffic flows, owing to rapid urbanization. Else, increasing traffic congestion would increase fatalities due to reckless driving, as well as keep vehicular emissions and air pollution critically high in cities like New Delhi. State-of-the-art traffic signal control methods in developed countries, however, use expensive sensing, computation, and communication resources. How far can control algorithms go, under resource constraints, is explored through the design and evaluation of FrugalLight (FL) in this article. We also captured and processed a real traffic dataset at a busy intersection in New Delhi, India, using efficient techniques on low cost embedded devices. This dataset ( contains traffic density information at fine time granularity of one measurement every second, from all approaches of the intersection for 40 days. FrugalLight ( is evaluated on the collected traffic dataset from New Delhi and another open source traffic dataset from New York. FrugalLight matches the performance of state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based sensing and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) based control algorithms, while utilizing resources less by an order of magnitude. We further explore improvements using a careful combination of knowledge distillation and domain knowledge based DRL model compression, with employing Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning to quickly adapt to traffic at new intersections. The collected real dataset and FrugalLight therefore opens up opportunities for resource efficient RL based intersection control design for the ML research community, where the controller should have limited carbon footprint. Such intelligent, green, intersection controllers can help reduce traffic congestion and associated vehicular emissions, even if compute and communication infrastructure is limited in low resource regions. This is a critical step toward achieving two of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), namely sustainable cities and communities and climate action.


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Cited By

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  • (2024)WebLight: DRL based Intersection Control in Developing Countries without Reliable CamerasProceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies10.1145/3674829.3675075(201-210)Online publication date: 8-Jul-2024



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cover image ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Societies
ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Societies  Volume 2, Issue 2
June 2024
421 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 13 May 2024
Online AM: 19 February 2024
Accepted: 26 January 2024
Revised: 09 January 2024
Received: 09 January 2024
Published in ACMJCSS Volume 2, Issue 2

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  1. Traffic signal control
  2. real traffic dataset


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  • (2024)WebLight: DRL based Intersection Control in Developing Countries without Reliable CamerasProceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies10.1145/3674829.3675075(201-210)Online publication date: 8-Jul-2024

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