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Separate-and-Enhance: Compositional Finetuning for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Published: 13 July 2024 Publication History


Despite recent significant strides achieved by diffusion-based Text-to-Image (T2I) models, current systems are still less capable of ensuring decent compositional generation aligned with text prompts, particularly for the multi-object generation. In this work, we first show the fundamental reasons for such misalignment by identifying issues related to low attention activation and mask overlaps. Then we propose a compositional finetuning framework with two novel objectives, the Separate loss and the Enhance loss, that reduce object mask overlaps and maximize attention scores, respectively. Unlike conventional test-time adaptation methods, our model, once finetuned on critical parameters, is able to directly perform inference given an arbitrary multi-object prompt, which enhances the scalability and generalizability. Through comprehensive evaluations, our model demonstrates superior performance in image realism, text-image alignment, and adaptability, significantly surpassing established baselines. Furthermore, we show that training our model with a diverse range of concepts enables it to generalize effectively to novel concepts, exhibiting enhanced performance compared to models trained on individual concept pairs.

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Index Terms

  1. Separate-and-Enhance: Compositional Finetuning for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    SIGGRAPH '24: ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Conference Papers
    July 2024
    1106 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 13 July 2024

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    1. Diffusion Models
    2. Image Generation


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