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Spatial/Temporal Locality-based Load-sharing in Speculative Discrete Event Simulation on Multi-core Machines

Online AM: 08 January 2024 Publication History


Shared-memory multi-processor/multi-core machines have become a reference for many application contexts. In particular, the recent literature on speculative parallel discrete event simulation has reshuffled the architectural organization of simulation systems in order to deeply exploit the main features of this type of machines. A core aspect dealt with has been the full sharing of the workload at the level of individual simulation events, which enables keeping the rollback incidence minimal. However, making each worker thread continuously switch its execution between events destined to different simulation objects does not favor locality. This problem appears even more evident in the case of Non-Uniform-Memory-Access (NUMA) machines, where memory accesses generating a cache miss to be served by a far NUMA node give rise to both higher latency and higher traffic at the level of the NUMA interconnection. In this article, we propose a workload-sharing algorithm where the worker threads can have short-term binding with specific simulation objects to favor spatial locality. The new bindings—carried out when a thread decides to switch its execution to other simulation objects—are based on both (a) the timeline according to which the object states have passed through the caching hierarchy and (b) the (dynamic) placement of objects within the NUMA architecture. At the same time, our solution still enables the worker threads to focus their activities on the events to be processed whose timestamps are closer to the simulation commit horizon—hence we exploit temporal locality along virtual time and keep the rollback incidence minimal. In our design we exploit lock-free constructs to support scalable thread synchronization while accessing the shared event pool. Furthermore, we exploit a multi-view approach of the event pool content, which additionally favors local accesses to the parts of the event pool that are currently relevant for the thread activity. Our solution has been released as an integration within the USE (Ultimate-Share-Everything) open source speculative simulation platform available to the community. Furthermore, in this article we report the results of an experimental study that shows the effectiveness of our proposal.


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Online AM: 08 January 2024
Accepted: 07 December 2023
Revised: 25 November 2023
Received: 21 November 2022

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  • (2024)Full-Stack Revision of Memory and Data Management in PDES on Multi-Core MachinesProceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing10.1145/3625549.3658831(417-420)Online publication date: 3-Jun-2024
  • (2024)Towards the Optimization of Memory and Data Management in Speculative PDES on Multi-Core MachinesProceedings of the 38th ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation10.1145/3615979.3662150(63-64)Online publication date: 24-Jun-2024

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