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View all- Wang CChen QXue BZhang M(2024)Semantics-guided multi-task genetic programming for multi-output regressionPattern Recognition10.1016/j.patcog.2024.111289(111289)Online publication date: Dec-2024
The use of genetic algorithms (GAs) to evolve neural network (NN) weights has risen in popularity in recent years, particularly when used together with gradient descent as a mutation operator. However, crossover operators are often omitted from ...
Genetic Programming (GP) homologous crossovers are a group of operators, including GP one-point crossover and GP uniform crossover, where the offspring are created preserving the position of the genetic material taken from the parents. In this paper we ...
During the evolution of solutions using Genetic Programming (GP) there is generally an increase in average tree size without a corresponding increase in fitness'a phenomenon commonly referred to as bloat. Bloating increases time to find the best ...
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