Category | Randomizer | Parameter | Distribution |
Background/Occluder Objects | BackgroundObjectPlacementRandomizer | object placement | Cartesian[Uniform(-7.5, 7.5), Uniform(-7.5, 7.5), Uniform(-7.5, 7.5)] |
| | separation distance | Cartesian[Constant(2.5), Constant(2.5), Constant(2.5)] |
| BackgroundOccluderScaleRandomizer | object scale range | Cartesian[Uniform(1, 12), Uniform(1, 12), Uniform(1, 12)] |
| RotationRandomizer | object rotation | Euler[Uniform(0, 360), Uniform(0, 360), Uniform(0, 360)] |
| TextureRandomizer | textures | A set of of texture assets |
| SpriteRandomizer | sprites | A set of sprite assets |
| HueOffsetRandomizer | hue offset | Uniform(-180, 180) |
Human Model | HumanGenerationRandomizer | humans per iteration | Uniform(5, 12) |
| | human pool size | Constant(50) |
| | pool refresh interval | Constant(400) |
| | age | Uniform(10, 100) |
| | height | Uniform(0.1, 1) |
| | weight | Uniform(0, 1) |
| | sex | male, female |
| | ethnicity | Caucasian, Asian, Latin American, African, Middle Eastern |
| TransformPlacementRandomizer | synthetic human placement | Cartesian[Uniform(-7.5, 7.5), Uniform(-7.5, 7.5), Uniform(-4, 1)] |
| | synthetic human rotation | Euler[Uniform(0, 20), Uniform(0, 360), Uniform(0, 20)] |
| | synthetic human size range | Cartesian[Uniform(0.5, 3), Uniform(0.5, 3), Uniform(0.5, 3)] |
| ForegroundObjectPlacementRandomizer | predefined model placement | Cartesian[Uniform(-7.5, 7.5), Uniform(-7.5, 7.5), Uniform(-9, 6)] |
| | predefined model separation distance | Cartesian[Constant(3), Constant(3), Constant(3)] |
| ForegroundScaleRandomizer | predefined model scale range | Cartesian[Uniform(0.5, 3), Uniform(0.5, 3), Uniform(0.5, 3)] |
| ForegroundRotationRandomizer | predefined model rotation | Euler[Uniform(0, 20), Uniform(0, 360), Uniform(0, 20)] |
| NonTagAnimationRandomizer | animations | A set of AnimationClips of arbitrary length |
Lights | SunAngleRandomizer | hour | Uniform(0, 24) |
| | day of the year | Uniform(0, 365) |
| | latitude | Uniform(-90, 90) |
| LightRandomizer | intensity | Uniform(5000, 50000) |
| | color | RGBA[Uniform(0, 1), Uniform(0, 1), Uniform(0, 1), Constant(1)] |
| | enabled | P(enabled) = 0.8, P(disabled) = 0.2 |
| LightPositionRotationRandomizer | position offset from initial position | Cartesian[Uniform(-3.65, 3.65), Uniform(-3. 65, 3.65), Uniform(-3.65, 3.65)] |
| | rotation offset from initial rotation | Euler[Uniform(-50, 50), Uniform(-50, 50), Uniform(-50, 50)] |
Camera | CameraRandomizer | field of view | Uniform(5, 50) |
| | focal length | Uniform(1, 23) |
| | position offset from initial position | Cartesian[Uniform(-5, 5), Uniform(-5, 5), Uniform(-5, 5)] |
| | rotation offset from initial rotation | Euler(Uniform(-5, 5), Uniform(-5, 5), Uniform(-5, 5)] |
Post Processing | PostProcessVolumeRandomizer | vignette intensity | Uniform(5, 50) |
| | fixed exposure | Uniform(5, 10) |
| | white balance temperature | Uniform(-20, 20) |
| | depth of field focus distance | Uniform(.1, 4) |
| | color adjustments: contrast | Uniform(-30, 30) |
| | color adjustments: saturation | Uniform(-30, 30) |