Cited By
View all- Hodent CBlumberg FDeterding S(2024)Ethical Games: Toward Evidence-Based Guidance for Safeguarding Players and DevelopersGames: Research and Practice10.1145/36852072:2(1-11)Online publication date: 19-Aug-2024
In this demonstration, we present gTop, a top-k query engine based on gStore which supports SPARQL queries over RDF databases. gTop can answer top-k queries with high efficiency and scalability. We use the DP-B algorithm for top-k queries and the ...
Recently, several research efforts have addressed answering skyline queries efficiently over large datasets. However, this research lacks methods to compute these queries over uncertain data, where uncertain values are represented as a range. In this ...
The skyline operator was first proposed in 2001 for retrieving interesting tuples from a dataset. Since then, 100+ skyline-related papers have been published; however, we discovered that one of the most intuitive and practical type of skyline queries, ...
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