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Stochastic Retrieval-Conditioned Reranking

Published: 25 August 2022 Publication History


The multi-stage cascaded architecture has been adopted by many search engines for efficient and effective retrieval. This architecture consists of a stack of retrieval and reranking models in which efficient retrieval models are followed by effective (neural) learning-to-rank models. The optimization of these learning-to-rank models is loosely connected to the early stage retrieval models. This paper draws theoretical connections between the early stage retrieval and late stage reranking models by deriving expected reranking performance conditioned on the early stage retrieval results. Our findings shed light on optimization of both retrieval and reranking models. As a result, we also introduce a novel loss function for training reranking models that leads to significant improvements on multiple public benchmarks. Our findings provide theoretical and empirical guidelines for developing multi-stage cascaded retrieval models.


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  1. Stochastic Retrieval-Conditioned Reranking



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    ICTIR '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval
    August 2022
    289 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 25 August 2022


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    1. learning to rank
    2. multi-stage cascaded architecture
    3. neural information retrieval
    4. ranking optimization


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