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SciNoBo: A Hierarchical Multi-Label Classifier of Scientific Publications

Published: 16 August 2022 Publication History


Classifying scientific publications according to Field-of-Science (FoS) taxonomies is of crucial importance, allowing funders, publishers, scholars, companies and other stakeholders to organize scientific literature more effectively. Most existing works address classification either at venue level or solely based on the textual content of a research publication. We present SciNoBo, a novel classification system of publications to predefined FoS taxonomies, leveraging the structural properties of a publication and its citations and references organized in a multilayer network. In contrast to other works, our system supports assignments of publications to multiple fields by considering their multidisciplinarity potential. By unifying publications and venues under a common multilayer network structure made up of citing and publishing relationships, classifications at the venue-level can be augmented with publication-level classifications. We evaluate SciNoBo on a dataset of publications extracted from Microsoft Academic Graph, and we perform a comparative analysis against a state-of-the-art neural-network baseline. The results reveal that our proposed system is capable of producing high-quality classifications of publications.


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Published: 16 August 2022


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  1. digital libraries
  2. field of science publication classification
  3. hierarchical classification
  4. label propagation
  5. multi-label classification
  6. multilayer network
  7. neural networks
  8. scholarly data


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  • (2024)Mapping Economic Growth and Employment in EU-Funded Research Projects: Trac(k)ing the SDG 8 TrajectoryDe Economist10.1007/s10645-024-09448-0173:1(245-275)Online publication date: 16-Dec-2024
  • (2024)FoRC@NSLP2024: Overview and Insights from the Field of Research Classification Shared TaskNatural Scientific Language Processing and Research Knowledge Graphs10.1007/978-3-031-65794-8_12(189-204)Online publication date: 15-Aug-2024
  • (2023)SCINOBO: a novel system classifying scholarly communication in a dynamically constructed hierarchical Field-of-Science taxonomyFrontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics10.3389/frma.2023.11498348Online publication date: 4-May-2023
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