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CellSense: Human Mobility Recovery via Cellular Network Data Enhancement

Published: 14 September 2021 Publication History


Data from the cellular network have been proved as one of the most promising way to understand large-scale human mobility for various ubiquitous computing applications due to the high penetration of cellphones and low collection cost. Existing mobility models driven by cellular network data suffer from sparse spatial-temporal observations because user locations are recorded with cellphone activities, e.g., calls, text, or internet access. In this paper, we design a human mobility recovery system called CellSense to take the sparse cellular billing data (CBR) as input and outputs dense continuous records to recover the sensing gap when using cellular networks as sensing systems to sense the human mobility. There is limited work on this kind of recovery systems at large scale because even though it is straightforward to design a recovery system based on regression models, it is very challenging to evaluate these models at large scale due to the lack of the ground truth data. In this paper, we explore a new opportunity based on the upgrade of cellular infrastructures to obtain cellular network signaling data as the ground truth data, which log the interaction between cellphones and cellular towers at signal levels (e.g., attaching, detaching, paging) even without billable activities. Based on the signaling data, we design a system CellSense for human mobility recovery by integrating collective mobility patterns with individual mobility modeling, which achieves the 35.3% improvement over the state-of-the-art models. The key application of our recovery model is to take regular sparse CBR data that a researcher already has, and to recover the missing data due to sensing gaps of CBR data to produce a dense cellular data for them to train a machine learning model for their use cases, e.g., next location prediction.


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      Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies  Volume 5, Issue 3
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      Published: 14 September 2021
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